
Writing to me is like breathing to others, it just comes naturally. I used to send everyone in my family "updates" which is essentially what this blog is, so please enjoy an update of my crazy, totally unexplainable, yet perfectly acceptable life. :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Breathing Deep

Today was my first day back in Charlotte after spending my Christmas break at home with my family. I woke up at 5:30 to start my day, followed by a six hour class, which left me with an empty afternoon. I decided I'd better clean up all my stuff I had so nonchalantly strewn all over my room last night in order for my mind to function properly (I have some C.D.O problems! And by C.D.O, of course I mean O.C.D). After that was over, I was still left with an empty afternoon... What to do... I wanted to go get a gym membership and go to Starbucks to get a gift card for a friend, so I threw on my coat, grabbed my purse and started on my way. I was still closing the door when I noticed the love of my life, Tommy, walking down the hallway on his way to work. I, of course, had to stop and say hello. I then decided I would wait on the gym membership and ride the trolley with him to work. We waited for the trolley and talked about unmentionable things we did over break and then were quickly greeted by the city's free transport system. We continued our conversation until it was our desired stop where we parted our ways. I said goodbye hoping to see him after he got out of work, and headed to the nearest Starbucks. I ordered a tall Peppermint Hot Chocolate (yummy!) and immediately burnt my tongue as I do almost every time I get Starbucks. I walked out of the building and headed to one of my favorite spots in Charlotte called "The Green" (it's a little park currently home to the seasonal ice skating rink). I passed several homeless people (for some reason I noticed them being in the masses today), some asked me for money, others stared as I carried about my business. I had planned to drink a majority of my hot chocolate while at the park, but somehow the cup was practically empty by the time I got there (like I said, it was quite yummy!). I sat down and quickly finished what was left and started to take in the beauty of the city. I grabbed my camera and started snapping pictures of whatever caught my eye, walking in a giant circle around my usual spots. 
Around "The Green" there are several literature references, one of the main reasons for making it my favorite spot!

Also at "The Green", a sign portraying "Charlotte's" in the world and where they are in relation to Charlotte, NC. (There really isn't a Char"lette" Michigan, but there is a Char"LOT" Michigan).

Looking down the street next to the Mint Museum and Knights Theatre

My new adopted church, St. Peters. Another one of my favorite spots...

A little piece of the fountain at the Wells Fargo Plaza, located not far from "The Green"

Part of the Epicenter

 I walked past everything with a new eye, taking in everything I've continued to walk past day after day. I began to take in the unique architecture surrounding me and the statues that seem to dance throughout the streets. I completely lost all track of time and realizing this almost an hour later (mind you, I'm walking around Charlotte by myself and the only one who knows that is working), so I check my phone to see three missed calls and a few text messages. Everything but one being from my friend Danielle. So I called her back to find that she too was in Uptown with another friend of ours, Phil, at the new Panera Bread. I was only a couple blocks away, so I headed on over to meet them. I found them sitting in a booth and caught up on the last two weeks and we then we continued to walk around the Queen's City. 

I shared with them my journey around our home, and we then decided to take an extended trip through the buildings of Charlotte (the buildings are connected by breezeways over the streets). We discovered new shops and poked around for awhile, taking pictures of anything and everything. We even saw a celebrity while walking around!!! Fantastico!!!
Look! It's R2-D2!!!
 Long story short, my day consisted of nothing but capturing what I could with my eyes. Everything that I saw was familiar, but completely new in a sense... Sometimes in life we need to take a moment to see what's really surrounding us. If we don't, we are simply going through life blind, letting our feet carry us right through opportunities that shouldn't be missed.

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