
Writing to me is like breathing to others, it just comes naturally. I used to send everyone in my family "updates" which is essentially what this blog is, so please enjoy an update of my crazy, totally unexplainable, yet perfectly acceptable life. :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just Adele

I would like to share with you all a little something that helps me unwind after a long day, or even after a short day. Her name is Adele Atkins, better known simply as Adele. Her voice is soft like a calm wave of the ocean, yet the words that pour from her mouth let you know exactly how she's feeling. In my opinion, she is everything you need to hear for the next 3,426,761,549,154,087,560,237,965 hours of your life. But enough about that, sit back and relax as you listen to one of the best musicians that has ever lived.
 Adele-Rolling in the Deep